Operation Nordhaust

12-13 October 2024: Special Event, The Island

Location: Hafun, North East Somalia

36 hours ago the Icarus, a private yacht registered in Dubai issued a mayday call after being forced towards the Somalian coast in severe storms whilst sailing between Madagascar and Dubai.

The captain of the Icarus reported the yacht to be dead in the water after suffering complete system failure. The Mayday call was answered by both the Indian and Chinese Navy’s as the closest  vessels patrolling that section of the ocean but upon arrival it was clear the yacht had been attacked by pirates. The captain and his 8 man crew were all dead and the yacht’s owner, British tech billionaire Nigel Farnsworth was declared missing.

24 hours ago the Ali zawahli group claimed they were holding Farnsworth and demanded a ransom of £10 million for his release. 

SBS elements from X Squadron have been diverted from a training exercise in Kenya and transported to the HMS Tamar which has been on deployment in the Indian Ocean for the last 3 months. 

SBS Are tasked with Maritime insertion into Hafun  on the northeast coast of Somalia to conduct a hostage rescue operation to recover Farnsworth. Intelligence suggests the hostage is being held In one of the several known pirate bases used by the Ali Zawahli group, along that stretch of coast. 

Farnsworth is the operational priority with secondary objectives on eliminating enemy combatants and recovering any intelligence that helps dismantle the pirate groups in the region.

This event is by special request or invite only. Please use the contact form to send an email to the Stirling Airsoft team and we will get back to you ASAP.

Sales: Will Woolner: will@stirlingairsoft.com
Director: Matt Belgrove: matt@stirlingairsoft.com