Operation Kemmel

23-24 November 2024: Combat Mission, The Trees

Location: IVO Makala, South Sudan 

Intelligence from a CHIS embedded within AS ranks has confirmed that the British ambassador to Sudan, Sir Edward Thatch is alive although badly injured. The intelligence suggests that Thatch has been tortured whilst being held captive; with his captors planning on selling him to an as yet unknown buyer. 

The CHIS stated that the cell in charge of transporting Thatch are moving to cross the border into South Sudan; an area of extreme unrest and conflict since April 2023 when violence sparked between the two main political parties, the Sudan people liberation movement and the SLPM-in opposition. 

It is thought the cell is exploiting that unrest to move its prisoner while local authorities are occupied fighting each other. 

Links between AS and the SLPM-in opposition have been confirmed recently via SIGINT Intercepts and it would seem the AS group have been given assistance to pass into the region where it is thought a meeting has been set up between them and the buyer in Makala. 

HUMINT in that region is minimal due to the conflict, however the CHIS plans to activate a tracking beacon when they arrive at their location. 

SI7 along with the CIA are intent on recovering Thatch but also see an intelligence opportunity in identifying the unknown buyer. 

TF45 are tasked to covertly infiltrate the local area and intercept the planned meet to recover Thatch and capture the buyer.


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The Trees – Directions

Lat, Long / Postcode:
52.274333, -2.959972 / LD8 2HN

1600H-2300H 22 November
0730H-0830H 23 November


– Online booking of £45 deposit (plus fees)
– Remainder to be paid on arrival