Operation Delville

1-2 June 2024: Themed Game, Catterick OBUA

Location: IVO Zagam, Qakh District, Azerbaijan

“And let it be known that I call on all my brothers, those who stand strong with the ideals of an Azearian paradise, to fight for me, fight for our cause. Our enemies, the phoney puppet states of the East and West, will see an unprecedented escalation of violence against their very way of life, and we will reclaim the entire region in the eyes of Azear. I call on you brothers, even in your darkest moments, even when I am gone, to create fear and chaos in the hearts of our enemies, for they are the true evil, the ones who seek to destroy our paradise on this earth.” – Akhmed Basayev, December 2021

Akhmed Basayev, leader of the Azearian Front of Dagestan (AFD) was killed during combat operations in Eastern Serbia in February 2024. At the time Basayev was seeking to align financially with the Serbian private militia Crveni Vukovi (CVM).

In his speech in December 2021, when the AFD was officially formed, Basayev directly called for support for his military campaign against the governments of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. It worked, and over the next 12 months the AFD was the primary focus of the JCTSF, the western response to global Azearian terror threats. The AFD attacked at will over the entire region, as well as into eastern Europe and the Middle East.

With his death, his militia now seek violent retribution. Their first target, Zagam, a small village near the border with Georgia, where an attack is already underway. Hundreds of civilians have been dispersed and there are rumours of unspeakable acts of brutality against the local population.

SIGINT suggests Zagam is of some significance to the AFD, with many claiming it to be the birthplace of Basayev. With his body not recovered by JCTSF in February, it is suggested Zagam could become a martyrs’ shrine for Azearian extremists.



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Catterick OBUA – Directions

Lat, Long / Postcode:
54.359700, -1.717140 / DL9 3RH

1800H-2300H 31 May
0730-0830H 1 June


£100 TOTAL
– Online booking of £45 deposit (plus fees)
– Remainder to be paid on arrival
– Accommodation available on checkout