Operation Amsterdam

27-29 September 2024: 36H Combat Mission, The Trees

Location: IVO Masuma, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

Following the events of Operation Longstop, the Zimbabwean government has renewed the contracts of anti-poaching PMCs SSG and VETPAW, to continue their efforts in combating the ever-increasing poaching that plagues Hwange National Park.

Since the killing of a rare bull elephant in May, the park has seen a significant rise in poachers attempting to profit from ivory and fur. This has led to several violent clashes with the PMCs and park rangers who are tasked with tracking and protecting the endangered species within the park.

Following the arrest of notorious big-game hunter and poacher Ricardo Katanga, there has been a surge in violence, spreading not only across the reserve but also into civilian areas as Katanga’s associates attempt to force the government into releasing their prisoner.

Intelligence provided by Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) confirms that several of Katanga’s associates have strong ties to multiple terror groups, including al-Shabaab, the Lord’s Resistance Army, and Azearian State. Large sums of money raised through poaching in this area are being funnelled directly into these groups, fuelling conflicts across Africa.

The government, along with the WWF, recently introduced more animals back into the reserve in hopes of stabilising the population decline. This poses both a significant risk to these species and a huge temptation to the poacher groups operating in the region.

VETPAW and SSG will continue to track and protect the wildlife in their sectors of the park while also working alongside government security forces and park rangers. The objective: directly target the poachers on known transport routes in and out of the park, as well as the camps and safe areas they have established.



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The Trees – Directions

Lat, Long / Postcode:
52.274333, -2.959972 / LD8 2HN

1600H-1900H 27 September
0730H-0830H 28 September


£115 TOTAL
– Online booking of £45 deposit (plus fees)
– Remainder to be paid on arrival